Bridge of Lions opening for a boat .
Old people enjoying the fort at St. Augustine
We have visited the fort many times. Now with our senior pass we get to go free.
The view is very good.
Bridge of Lions from the fort.
Lizard on the fort.
Turret on the fort.
Lunch at Crave Truck. You need to look this up and try it.
We had a nice lunch and very reasonable.
Great to see someone making a living out of a trailer. Listed high on travel advisor for restaurants of the area.
There are many shrimp boats out of this port. Hope to enjoy some for supper.
We did see how Popeye met his end.
We took a tour of the St. Augustine Distillery.
This shows the stills.
They have just started and these barrels have bourbon in four years.
They also have a restaurant called the Ice House.
A wooden boat docked next to the Bridge of Lions.
In 1973 I took Becky's picture here and she looks better now.
The light house was glowing with the sun hitting the lens.
Another great supper. Fresh shrimp with green beans. very yummy.